
   部落格热潮給许多人豐厚的收入 , 漸漸產生一班足可影响全世界的人物 , 以下十五位就是这界的佼佼者 , 其中一位是最与和你都有非常密切关系的人物 , 不容错失哦 !

1)  Influential Bloggers  ~ Chris Brogan ~



Chris Brogan is the New York Times bestselling author of Trust Agents and he’s a master of social media. He’s working hard to transform the way people interact and do business online. His philosophy can be summed up by this simple concept: being human from a distance. His unique look at online relationships is attracting huge crowds.


2)Influential Bloggers ~ Darren Rowse ~



Darren Rowse is the online authority when it comes to successful blogging. He’s the founder of several hugely popular blogs. Perhaps his most popular, Problogger, is the online authority when it comes to providing bloggers with the resources and information necessary to build powerful blogs.


3)Influential Bloggers ~ Brian Clark ~



Brian Clark is the driving force behind CopyBlogger where he educates people on how to write compelling content to vastly improve online marketing. He focus on teaching people how to get traffic, attract links, gain subscribers and sell stuff. His sites can be summarized by these two simple concepts: content strategies


4)  Influential Bloggers ~ Matt Cutts ~



Matt Cutts is our link into the world of Google. He serves as the head of their spam prevention department and as such he has an intimate knowledge of what Google favors and what they frown upon. He shares blog posts, videos and interviews educating bloggers and webmasters as to the best ways to build great content that Google pays attention to.



5)  Influential Bloggers ~ Rand Fishkin ~



Rand Fishkin is the founder and mastermind behind SEOmoz. Since it’s inception, SEOmoz has developed into one of the most visible online websites dedicated to search marketing. Rand has built SEOmoz as the go-to resource for all things related to Search Engines and the tactics necessary to get your site noticed.


6)  Influential Bloggers ~ Seth Godin ~



Seth Godin has authored 10 bestselling books that have changed the way that people view marketing and work. His no-holds-barred style of writing at his blog has drawn an international following. Godin is working to persuade people to reinvent the way that they relate with the people around them.Give AdToll a go!


7)  Influential Bloggers ~ Tim Ferriss ~




Tim Ferris is grabbing some attention with his ‘experiments in lifestyle design’ blog and his runaway bestseller The 4-Hour Work Week. It has been said that Tim is the Indiana Jones for the digital age. He’s a bestselling author, a world record holder, a speaker of 5 languages, a public speaker, and much more.


8)  Influential Bloggers ~ Yaro Starak ~



Yaro Starak is an entrepreneur from Australia. Yaro has built and sold several online businesses and now teaches people how to make a full-time living from blogging part time through his highly successful Blog Mastermind Program. He draws from his own experience and is passionate about helping others achieve the same successes.


9)Influential Bloggers ~ David Risley ~



David Risley’s blog is aptly subtitled Confessions of a Six-Figure Blogger. David Risley averages 18,000 per month through his online income ventures. His most popular website, PCMech, brings in around 250,000 visitors each month.


10)Influential Bloggers ~ Gary Vaynerchuck





Gary Vaynerchuck has became famous for his Wine Library TV where he offers a daily video with an unorthodox approach to a historically stuffy subject. His slogan has been changing the wine world and he really has been doing just that.


11)Influential Bloggers ~ Guy Kawasaki ~



Guy Kawasaki is a man on a mission. His blog is aptly titled How to Change the World. He’s a business mogul who’s determined to make an impact on the world. He has been described as a living legend to which he replied with the following quote:




12)Influential Bloggers ~ John Chow ~AdToll



John Chow is, as he likes to himself, a media mogul. He’s an online entrepreneur, blogger, founder of an online advertising company, and an instructor to authors. He has often quipped that he makes money online by teaching others how to make money online.


13)Influential Bloggers ~ Daniel Scocco ~



Daniel Scocco is famous for his small ‘Daily’ blogs like Daily Blog Tips and Daily Writing Tips. Although his blogs may appear small, he’s built a massive following and has rallied a community around his sites.


14 )Influential Bloggers ~ Nicholas Cardot ~



Nicholas Cardot is a full-time Infantryman in the United States Army and he’s the founder and author of Site Sketch 101. His military background has shaped his philosophical emphasis on building and sustaining a community.


Although he may not be the most influential blogger right now, he’s quickly growing his online presence, developing his relationships, and working to impact and empower as many people as he can. His online aspirations cannot be measured or described. He’s reaching for the stars as should every blogger.


15)Influential Bloggers ~ You ~




You are the one that is truly revolutionizing the way blogging is done. You’re the one reaching out to the online community in your topic. You’re the one that is blogging with real passion. You’re the one working hard to build relationships, to share information, and to build your community. You are the one who inspires and influences me


 *  你 , 絶对有足夠的影响力 , 你有无限潜能 , 工程師起101大楼时也是从一张白纸开始 , 所以心能創造一切 , 一切法心想生 , 一切唯心造 , 不要小看自己 . 你可以影响大众 .





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